Customer Reviews Back to Business Profile

  • amazing place!!! best classes
  • Classes are great, instructors great! Everyone friendly.
  • Signing up for an unlimited membership at Oxygen was one of the best things I’ve done for myself in this last year :) Now that I work from home, I was getting lazy with my gym workouts saying “oh I’ll go workout in an hour.. ok after lunch.. ok after my food digests.. never mind I’ll take a rest day”. Booking my workout classes ahead of time for the week sets me up with a great daily routine and holds me accountable. And! The instructors push me harder than I can consistently push myself alone at the gym. I also love the slower, more gentle classes for when I need to take it easy. Thank you everyone at Oxygen Westshore you’re awesome! :)
  • I absolutely love ir


Oxygen Yoga & Fitness Westshore


3022 Merchant Way Unit #108
Victoria, BC V9B 0X1

+1 (415) 360-7377

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