Customer Reviews Back to Business Profile

  • It was just what the doctor ordered! I went in the day after running the TCS NYC Marathon. I hobbled in, hardly able to bend me knee and walked out feeling great! Highly recommend!
  • I've been a regular client of Kenn's for many, many years. I can sum up my experience of his work in two words: "The Best"!
  • Kenn was great! He was amazing at addressing my back pain and finding other spots in my shoulders and legs. I would definitely recommend, and I look forward to my next appointment!
  • Kenn is compassionate, thoughtful, focused and professional. He really listens to what is needed and works out physical stress. I always leave feeling grounded and relaxed. I highly recommend him.
  • Ken can provide deep massage like no others. And he's a nice guy!
  • Excellent, targeted, intuitive work in a comfortable space. Kenn's attention and commitment to the work are extraordinary. Plus, he's friendly, charming and personable, making the whole massage experience one of the best I've had--and the only place to go in New York.
  • Kenn is a consummate professional, and he has a real gift in knowing exactly where tension is in one's body. I hope to be a client of his for a long time.
  • Kenneth's massages are transformative. I feel more ease, mobility in my joints, and a greater sense of wellness after one of his massages. The person who recommended him said, "you shouldn't have to tell a massage therapist what you need, they should be able to tell you what you need." And that's true about Kenneth. He gets to work and knows exactly what your body needs.
  • Was the best massage I had in years. Ken was amazing!
  • Kenneth is my go to guy for massage. He consistently provides a superior massage and I walk away totally renewed. I highly recommend Kenneth.


Deep Health NYC

Spa & Massage

208 West 23rd Street #604
New York, NY 10011
United States

Mon - Sat: 10:00am - 10:00pm

+1 (917) 449-8859

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