Customer Reviews Back to Business Profile

  • It was so amazing that Sara could take random items from my closet and make new outfits. So fun and convenient- one hour and going home with a bag of many new outfits. Would take hours at the mall to come up with even half the results.
  • What a wonderful experience. Sarah is the best and I can't emphasize enough how productive, positive and enjoyable my Girls Night Out was! Thanks!!
  • Great advice and outfit combination I wouldn't have though about
  • It is fabulous to work a stylist who helps you put together outfits in multiple ways. You have an opportunity to try different items and see that they can work together. It is great to be able to swap items and have new outfits as often as you want.
  • Kristina was awesome. I got just the right clothes and feel great.
  • Great listeners with lots of great advice!
  • Sara is great even though inventory was on the low side for me.