Customer Reviews Back to Business Profile

  • Greeted by name, awesome customer service, friendly supportive environment! Thank you!!
  • My class with Rosie on Thursday was excellent. My class yesterday with Morgan was not so great. She kept losing focus and we could not hear her so it was hard to follow. I don't know if the music was too loud or if she didn't have the mic in the right place.
  • I love the energy that the staff exudes- and they are very motivating. The studios are clean and beautiful, and the workouts push you to you limits, but are doable.
  • Everyone is friendly, welcoming & helpful
  • Fun workout, low impact, i always feel the soreness the same night which i love
  • Friendly, clean, great workout— -1 for the crowded & slightly chaotic lobby area between classes but even that was low key fun. lol


Studio Barre Mission Hills

Fitness Classes / Boot Camp

321 West Washington Street
San Diego, CA 92103
United States

+1 (619) 374-8234

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