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29 Services

60 Minute Massage


90 Minute Massage


Chair-Assisted Massage


Chair Massage is the use o many modalities to help the client feel better while they are still clothed and Inca seated position.

CranioSacral Therapy 60 Minutes


CranioSacral Therapy:Approach that relieves pain and disfuntion deep in the body. This technique can have the client sitting up or lying down with their clothes on. A client can have a headache, back ache or joint pain and this technique can be used to relieve the pain.

CranioSacral Therapy 90 minutes


CranioSacral Therapy for 30 minutes


CranioSacral Therapy:Approach that relieves pain and disfuntion deep in the body. This technique can have the client sitting up or lying down with their clothes on. A client can have a headache, back ache or joint pain and this technique can be used to relieve the pain.

Hot Stone Massage For 60 minutes


Hot Stone Massage for 30 minutes


Hot Stones for 90 minutes


Lymph Drainage Massage


Lymphatic Drainage Massage is to help the lymph system drain access water, toxins, and help with inflammation. The touch is a pumping and a gentle touch toof that if too hard the lymphatic system stops and the fascia and muscles then react to the touch. Clients and myself have witnessed the swollen areas leave the area,was well as being told by the clients that the inflammation is no longer in their body.

Mini-Raindrop Therapy


Myokinesthetics System (MYK) 4 Sessions


This is for four sessions. This system is to work with the muscles that can decrease or completely eliminate pain, increase range of motion and improve posture.

Myokinesthetics System (MYK) Assessment


Myokinesthetics System (MYK) is about the muscle movement to assist with decreasing pain or eliminating it altogether.also assists with range of motion getting better as well as any digestion, endocrine, or other anatomy issues.
The price is for a one time session.

Myokinesthetics System (MYK) Assessment and Session


Introductory Price for Myokenisthetic System that has the assessment and session. This is a muscle movement technique that deals with alleviating and eliminating pain, restoring range of motion, and improving posture.

Myokinesthetics one session


On-Site Chair Massage


On-Site Chair Massage One Hour


Prenatal Massage


Prenatal Massage is for women who are three weeks or 21 days along in pregnancy. This can be Swedish or deep tissue massage on where the location is at. The technique is having the client lie on their side or their back.(I plan on in the future to get a cushion designed for pregnant women or even people who just can't lay on their stomachs.)

Prenatal Massage


Prenatal Massage is for women who are 21 weeks to 3 months along in pregnancy. They lie on their side or back. The techniques used are Swedish and deep tissue.

Raindrop Technique


Individual essential oils are placed on the back to assist with client's desire at the time of service. Some oils are placed on the feet and a gentle massage is given. Vita-Flex, a massage technique crested by Dr. Gary Young is done on the feet.

Salt & Mud Wrap


Salt Wrap With One Hour Massage


Salt Wrap, Mud Wrap and One Hour Massage


Seaweed Wrap


Seaweed Wrap & One Hour Massage


Total Body Balancing


Are you wanting to change your posture, flexibility and range of motion? This is what you are waiting for me to assist you to do. This techniquThis technique also helps with the helps with the total body being homeodynamic, lymphatic system and all of what Massage Therapy does.

Total Body Balancing with Massage


Range of Motion with Massage. Massage is where it is needed based on how range of motion is.

Visceral Manipulation


Technique to assist with the organs' function.

Visceral Release Massage


Massage the organ.


Serenity Thyme Massage

Salon / Hair Care

4525 SW 21st St
Topeka, KS 66604
United States

Mon: 8:00am - 6:30pm
Tue: 6:30am - 7:00pm
Wed: 8:00am - 7:30pm
Thu: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Fri: 8:30am - 7:00pm
Sat: 8:00am - 3:30pm

+1 (785) 231-7715

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