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Body Services
6 Services

Back Facial - Deep Cleansing


Tough to get to places need extra care. This treatment is custom to every client. We focus on what your back needs: deep extractions, exfoliation, enzyme treatment etc. All performed with organic effective skin care products.

Crystal Reiki + Aromatherapy


Crystal Reiki + Aromatherapy


Along with traditional Reiki this service also utilizes the energy of crystals.

Why use crystals in Reiki sessions? Crystals act as conduits for healing — allowing positive, healing energy to flow into the body as negative, disease-causing energy flows out. Crystals amplify the healing life force energy flow.A few notable crystals are used: Lapis Lazuli, Citrine, Malachite, Amethyst, Angelite, Clear Quartz, Carnelian and more.

Distant Reiki Healing




Reiki Healing


What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique, for stress reduction, relaxation and Promotes healing. It is administered by placing hands on or over the body’s many different energy points allowing "life force energy" to flow through the practitioner, Reiki is an extremely powerful, yet gentle energy which helps bring balance and wellbeing.
• Deeply relaxes the body and mind

• Alleviate stress, anxiety and depression

• Relieve physical and emotional pain

• Aid Insomnia and increase positive sleep habits

• Promote natural self-healing

• Treat symptoms of injury and illness

• Clear toxins

• Strengthen the immune system

• Enhance personal awareness

• Release blocked and suppressed feelings

• Balance energy within the body

• Raises your Energetic vibration

6 Services

Holistic Ingredient Knowledge



In this class you will learn the ingredients to avoid and the ingredients that are active and natural and should be included in holistic beauty. We will discuss natural chemisty and how we can achieve amazing results by going to the "source". You will learn about plant derived glycoclic/lactic acid peels, apple AHA and how to naturally and effecticly oxygenate the skin.

There will be an hour break for lunch at 1pm. We will also have a play and feel portion where you will be able to explore and ask questions about Diana Ralys Skin Health product line.

Signature Organic Rejuvenating Facial Course



This is a certification course. You will receive a certificate of completion.

Learn Diana's Signature Facial. Holistic, organic full facial rejuvenation. Diana will lead you through a unique process of how to prep the skin for ultimate results. Choosing skin care products, exfolation, facial massage and appropiate boosts to add to facial to make your client's skin GLOW. This is the facial that is most requested at Radiance Wellness Spa. However, it is also the perfect facial to build on, depending on product selection and machine additions, the Signature can become Brightening, Deep Cleansing, Oxygenating and can help with all skin types: Mature, Acne Prone, Dehydrated/Dry, Oily, Combination, Congested, and even extremely Sensitive.

Class size is VERY limited as this will have a lot of one-on-one time with Diana.

1 hr lunch break at 1pm

Skin Care Education: Cleansing

Skin Care Education: Exfoliation


Skin Care Education: Nourishment

Skin Care Education: Protection

1 Service

Classic Lash Extension


Eyelash Extensions have become a popular way of enhancing one's natural beauty. With the eyes being the windows to the soul, what better way to frame them than some beautiful, natural looking lashes.I use 100% Vegan lashes and glue and have been very pleased with the results. The process involves isolating one individual eyelash at a time and applying a single extension to the lash. I will look at the client's natural lashes to assess, and talk with the client about what would be best for the desired look they want to achieve. A wholistic approach to applying eyelash extensions is very important. It involves taking into account the state of the client's natural lashes. For example if the lashes are very fine, they will require a lighter weight extension. It's unfortunate that many technicians don't take this into account, because if the natural lash is too fine to properly support the extension, it can be damaging. Extensions will not damage the lashes if the technician is meticulous about truly applying the extension to ONE lash, anduses the appropriate thickness and length.I will take into account the natural lashes length and then add about 20% length.There are different types of curls available, ranging from a very natural curl, to a more dramatic curl.My favorite way to do lashes is to use multiple lengths, and mix the types of curls which results in a very full, and natural look.

31 Services

All Natural Age Management, Microcurrent


All Natural Age Management, Micro CurrentNatural, non-invasive way to dramatically firm and lift the skin. Too good to be true? This treatment is a complete game-changer in the anti-aging skin care industry, and will change how we view natural treatments. Highest quality, purest, organic and effective skin care products and high-end equipment are used in this treatment. MicroCurrent This progressive not aggressive treatment is the only non-invasive treatment that will give you a "lift" without surgery. MicroCurrent efficiently delivers low frequency electrical currents that work in harmony with the body to gently and effectively "re-educate" the muscles. It helps to strengthen, firm and tone slack, sagging muscles. Increases the supply of vital nutrients to the muscle tissue and individual muscle fibers improving the tone and quality of the skin. Benefits; Diminishes appearance of fine lines, wrinkles; expression lines; Plumps up muscle; Increases blood circulation 35%; Reduces jowls and double chin; Helps lift droopy eyelids; Increases lymphatic drainage; Promotes healing for acne; Increases collagen elastin productivity 45%; Firms and lifts; Increases ATP {Fuel for our skin}; Minimizes pore size; Reduces pigmentation causes from acne lesions; Smoother and improved skin surface; Stimulates cell turnover.For skin correction recommended 2x per week for 6-12 weeks. Maintenance 1x per month.2hr includes cleanse, exfoliation, extractions, specialty mask and finishing products.Complimentary consultation.
LED Light Therapy. NASA's studies have shown that cells which have been exposed to LED Light Therapy have a 150% enhancement to their cellular metabolism, thereby accelerating the repair and replenishment of damaged cells.Red Light Therapy benefits:Stimulates collagen formation, increases ATP {fuel for our cells}, stimulates cell turnover, minimizes mild scaring, reduces hyper-pigmentation, minimizes pore size, reduces wound healing time, reduces inflammation, smoother and improved surface, reduces pigmentation causes from acne lesions, increases circulation and moisture retention. Maintenance 1h $145

Apple AHA MicroDerm


Apple AHA Peel delivers immediate and visible results, improving the skin’s texture, minimizing the appearance of pores, fine lines and wrinkles, firming the skin to create an overall healthy appearance. There is no recovery, peeling or healing time! To make sure this amazing product delivers the best results we use Pressure Jet to deliver it into your skin. Apple Stem Cells and Apple AHAs are successfully used in beauty industry. The presence of an alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) and malic acid, promotes the appearance of healthy and smoother feeling and looking skin. Malic acid is present in apples as well.  Malic acid contributes to the sourness of green apples. In skin care Malic acid helps to brighten the skin. AHA’s help to exfoliate the skin and reduce signs of sun damage and aging, and very helpful to diminish scar appearance. 
The mechanism of AHA’s is to bind to cell adhesion molecules and reduce the calcium ion concentra­tion thus disrupting cellular adhesion. This results in the desquamation (shedding) of the outermost layer of skin. The reduction of calcium ion levels also promotes cell growth and retardation of cellular differentiation therefore giving rise to younger-looking skin. 
In addition to Apple AHA we also infuse Saffron Stem Cell serum with Papaya and Mango enzymes for complete cell rejuvenation and to improve dermal respiratory. The benefits of enzymes have been known and practiced in Ayurveda medicine for centuries.  Enzymes are attributed with soothing skin irritations and exfoliating dead skin. Saffron stem cells contain Gallic acid that provide antioxidants, soothing, anti-fungal activity and cell rejuvenation. Saffron stem cells protect skin from damage caused by increasingly intense harmful environment. 
Research shows that Saffron plant stem cell can slow skin aging by defending against extrinsic stress, keeping skin looking youthful longer.
Studies done by the University of Washington using Microdermabrasion resulted in a 14% increase in production of natural collagen, 48% increase in natural elastin and a 38% increase in blood circulation. Organic grains are much gentler than crystals. This simple non-invasive technique improves the overall texture, clarity of the skin also allow for better product penetration. Dead flaky skin cells are gently exfoliated by dispersing organic grains evenly and comfortably, to reveal a healthier glow to renewed skin.

Treats: Fine Lines, Acne & Acne scarring, Sun Damaged skin & altered pigmentation, Enlarged pores, Congested pores. 

The combination of the physical exfoliation with microdermabrasion and serum infusion leave the skin new and refreshed. Serums are able to penetrate deeper into the skin layers after the microdermabrasion, your skin will tingle with excitement. 

Basic Organic Facial


Our Basic Facial is suitable for everyone, including Oncology patients and people who had cancer treatments, like chemotherapy and radiation previously. Organic Facial truly suits all skin types and behaviors.

This facial can be soothing, relaxing for sensitive skin or cleansing, clearing for oily or acne skin, revitalizing and rejuvenating for dry or mature and dull skin.
As we know, skin absorbs everything we put on, so we have to be careful and thoughtful. Even the water we use to shower or wash the face make a difference in our skin’s conditions. That is why, we only use 5x filtered and oxygenated water in our facials.



We are all aware that body muscles can get tight, tense and eventually get painful. What do we do to release the tension? We get a massage. Face muscles are no exception. Daily activities such as focusing while working on a project, watching TV, stressing while driving, making facial expressions, all these activities tense facial tissue. The only way to release this tension is to stimulate the muscle.

Massaging face with BioStimulation Rose Quartz beauty crystal(s) can smooth out fine lines, wrinkles, help with swelling, under eye puffiness and reduce other signs of aging. You’ll be rejuvenating skin with energy of the rose quartz acting as a natural Bio-energy-face-lift. Massage with crystals relaxes the muscles, help to untangle the fibers in the connective tissue.

This is the perfect alternative to clients who cannot recieve MicroCurrent treatments or if you do not have a microcurrent machine to begin with.

Created by Diana Ralys.

Bio-Stimulation + LED


We are all aware that body muscles can get tight, tense and eventually get painful. What do we do to release the tension? We get a massage. Face muscles are no exception. Daily activities such as focusing while working on a project, watching TV, stressing while driving, making facial expressions, all these activities tense facial tissue. The only way to release this tension is to stimulate the muscle.

Massaging face with BioStimulation Rose Quartz beauty crystal(s) can smooth out fine lines, wrinkles, help with swelling, under eye puffiness and reduce other signs of aging. You’ll be rejuvenating skin with energy of the rose quartz acting as a natural Bio-energy-face-lift. Massage with crystals relaxes the muscles, help to untangle the fibers in the connective tissue.

This is the perfect alternative to clients who cannot recieve MicroCurrent treatments or if you do not have a microcurrent machine to begin with.

Created by Diana Ralys.
This treatment is combined with the powerful LED technology alongside our high-performance serums.

Bio-Stimulation + Signature Facial


We are all aware that body muscles can get tight, tense and eventually get painful. What do we do to release the tension? We get a massage. Face muscles are no exception. Daily activities such as focusing while working on a project, watching TV, stressing while driving, making facial expressions, all these activities tense facial tissue. The only way to release this tension is to stimulate the muscle.

Massaging face with BioStimulation Rose Quartz beauty crystal(s) can smooth out fine lines, wrinkles, help with swelling, under eye puffiness and reduce other signs of aging. You’ll be rejuvenating skin with energy of the rose quartz acting as a natural Bio-energy-face-lift. Massage with crystals relaxes the muscles, help to untangle the fibers in the connective tissue.

This is the perfect alternative to clients who cannot recieve MicroCurrent treatments or if you do not have a microcurrent machine to begin with.

Created by Diana Ralys.

BioStimulation Face Lift Crystal Massage


Increase value to your facial menu. Add this service to your custom facial or add a whole new service for your clients! BioStimulation Facial Massage with Crystals (Rose Quartz) instantly and cumulatively gives skin the lift that gravity pulls down.

Learn from Diana Ralys and her unique technique to lift, firm, and tone facial muscles.

Only taking 10 students, space is limited, sign up through the link below.

“We are all aware that body muscles can get tight, tense and eventually get painful. What do we do to release the tension? We get a massage. Face muscles are no exception. Daily activities such as focusing while working on a project, watching TV, stressing while driving, making facial expressions, all these activities tense facial tissue. The only way to release this tension is to stimulate the muscle. 

Massaging face with BioStimulation Rose Quartz beauty crystal(s) can smooth out fine lines, wrinkles, help with swelling, under eye puffiness and reduce other signs of aging. You’ll be rejuvenating skin with energy of the rose quartz acting as a natural Bio-energy-face-lift. Massage with crystals relaxes the muscles, help to untangle the fibers in the connective tissue.”

This is the perfect alternative to clients who cannot recieve MicroCurrent treatments or if you do not have a microcurrent machine to begin with.

Course comes with a manual and all required crystals (6 in total) to perform the BioStimulation Crystal Facial

Diamondbrasion - Fruit Acid + Oxygen


This treatment utilizes a Diamond - Serum infusion in one wand that is able to multitask. Your skin will experience the exfoliation of the diamond tip WHILE it is infused with Diana's special multi-fruit serum. Multi-fruit serum is a mix of five plant extracts: Bilberry, Sugar Cane, Orange, Lemon, and Sugar Maple. When combined, these botanical extracts deliver five natural AHAs to the skin: Lac­tic Acid (from Bilberry), Glycolic Acid (from Sugar Cane), Citric Acid (from Orange and Lemon), and Malic and Tartaric Acids (from Sugar Maple). This serum is never washed off the skin. It stays in the skin and keeps working long after the treatment is done.

Enzyme facial


Our skin naturally should recycle every 25 to 28 days. Many reasons can cause cell rejuvenation process to slow down, which results in dull, tired looking skin.

If your skin is regularly exfoliated, it’s forced to create new cells. On the other hand, over exfoliating can cause damage, bumpy skin. There’s no need to overdo it, be kind to your skin! If you follow your skin care regimen, your skin will be perfectly exfoliated, balanced AND nourished – your skin will GLOW!!!

We use 3 powerful, balanced treatment masks in this facial.

Enzyme Microfoliant offers double action, Papaya, Green Papaya and Pineapple extracts have natural enzyme exfoliating properties and fine microdermabrasion crystals help to physically brush off aged skin cells.
Rejuvenating Pumpkin Mask (professional use only, we have milder version of this mask for maintaining healthy skin at home) contains Alpha Hydroxy acids, known to promote smoother, younger-looking skin by increasing the rate of cell renewal. Just pumpkin itself contains more than 100 beneficial nutrients, which are used to help reverse the signs of aging. You won’t believe how aromatherapeutic it is too!
Multitask Mask is excellent for any skin type or behavior. It is deep pore cleansing, pore tightening, skin soothing, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying , exfoliating, and full of pure minerals. It offers the final deep cleanse and mineralizes the skin. Many of our customers who suffer from hormonal, allergy or any acne issues claim that the Multitask Mask made their life easier. It not only helped their acne, but also made their skin feel extra soft & wonderful!

Facial also includes: cleanse, compresses, extractions, and massage.

Express facial


Cleanse, compresses, exfoliation and the following steps may or not be included in the express facial due to time and what the client requires: extractions, mask, massage. Will include final serums, moisturizers, and optional sun screen.

Gentlemen's Facial


A cleansing and purifying facial designed exclusively for the special needs of men's skin: sensitivity, dry patches, dull skin. skin is cleansed, exfoliated and hydrated using products rich in antioxidants to repair and revitalize areas damaged by sun and pollution. Includes post consultation on home care skin and shaving products to maintain healthy skin and prevent ingrown hair.

HydroRenewal Maintenance


HydraFacial Treatment with Diana Ralys Skin Health Serums

One of the quickest ways to gain a brighter complexion is to come in for a Hydra Facial Treatment! All products in this treatment are natural, non-drying, and do not contain harsh chemicals. Multi-Fruit serum is infused into the skin, circulated and pulled out using vortex suction. This is the safest and most effective way to achieve maximum results!

Multi-fruit serum is a mix of five plant extracts: Bilberry, Sugar Cane, Orange, Lemon, and Sugar Maple. When combined, these botanical extracts deliver five natural AHAs to the skin: Lac¬tic Acid (from Bilberry), Glycolic Acid (from Sugar Cane), Citric Acid (from Orange and Lemon), and Malic and Tartaric Acids (from Sugar Maple).
*Once a week for 4 weeks for Maximum results
*Once a week for 4 weeks for congested or acne skin
*Once every 4 weeks to maintain healthy skin.

HydroRenewal Treatment


HydraFacial Treatment with Diana Ralys Skin Health Serums

One of the quickest ways to gain a brighter complexion is to come in for a Hydra Facial Treatment! All products in this treatment are natural, non-drying, and do not contain harsh chemicals. Multi-Fruit serum is infused into the skin, circulated and pulled out using vortex suction. This is the safest and most effective way to achieve maximum results!

Multi-fruit serum is a mix of five plant extracts: Bilberry, Sugar Cane, Orange, Lemon, and Sugar Maple. When combined, these botanical extracts deliver five natural AHAs to the skin: Lac¬tic Acid (from Bilberry), Glycolic Acid (from Sugar Cane), Citric Acid (from Orange and Lemon), and Malic and Tartaric Acids (from Sugar Maple).

Next signature step for 60min or more treatments:

Proprietary Serum Blend infused into the skin using Oxygenating pressure jet, Strengthens the cell membrane and helps in repairing cells and tissues damage. Is rich in antioxidants that help in fighting the effects of free radicals. Hyaluronic Acid, Apple Stem cell, Argireline Peptide, Matrixyl 3000 Peptide and Snap-8 Peptide this serum is extremely moisturizing, firming, allows you to retain skin’s elasticity, and rebuilding skin cells as needed.

Next step: Vitamin C serum. Organic Algae extract: anti-oxidant, moisturizes, supplies skin with natural minerals and vitamins. In addition to Vitamin C, like Magnesium ascorbyl phosphate and Vitamin C -L-ascorbic acid this serum is packed with powerful herbal extracts that have strong Antioxidant properties and are not irritating to the skin. Because of the Peptides from Sea Fennel this serum has anti-redness and anti-blemish properties. Goldenseal (Turmeric) extract contains berberine that has been found to have the best antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Next step: Oxygen Plasma is essential for all skin types and conditions. It kills bacteria causing Acne and Acne Rosacea, triggers formation of Collagen and Elastin, allows much better product penetration and increases their effectiveness.
98% Oxygen infusion and LED/Infrared Light finishes this treatment. Skin is left clean, smooth and plump.

*Once a week for 4 weeks for Maximum results
*Once a week for 4 weeks for congested or acne skin
*Once every 4 weeks to maintain healthy skin.

HydroRenewal Treatment + MicroCurrent


HydraFacial Treatment with Diana Ralys Skin Health Serums

One of the quickest ways to gain a brighter complexion is to come in for a Hydra Facial Treatment! All products in this treatment are natural, non-drying, and do not contain harsh chemicals. Multi-Fruit serum is infused into the skin, circulated and pulled out using vortex suction. This is the safest and most effective way to achieve maximum results!

Multi-fruit serum is a mix of five plant extracts: Bilberry, Sugar Cane, Orange, Lemon, and Sugar Maple. When combined, these botanical extracts deliver five natural AHAs to the skin: Lac¬tic Acid (from Bilberry), Glycolic Acid (from Sugar Cane), Citric Acid (from Orange and Lemon), and Malic and Tartaric Acids (from Sugar Maple).

Next signature step for 60min or more treatments:

Proprietary Serum Blend infused into the skin using Oxygenating pressure jet, Strengthens the cell membrane and helps in repairing cells and tissues damage. Is rich in antioxidants that help in fighting the effects of free radicals. Hyaluronic Acid, Apple Stem cell, Argireline Peptide, Matrixyl 3000 Peptide and Snap-8 Peptide this serum is extremely moisturizing, firming, allows you to retain skin’s elasticity, and rebuilding skin cells as needed.

Next step: Vitamin C serum. Organic Algae extract: anti-oxidant, moisturizes, supplies skin with natural minerals and vitamins. In addition to Vitamin C, like Magnesium ascorbyl phosphate and Vitamin C -L-ascorbic acid this serum is packed with powerful herbal extracts that have strong Antioxidant properties and are not irritating to the skin. Because of the Peptides from Sea Fennel this serum has anti-redness and anti-blemish properties. Goldenseal (Turmeric) extract contains berberine that has been found to have the best antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Next step: Oxygen Plasma is essential for all skin types and conditions. It kills bacteria causing Acne and Acne Rosacea, triggers formation of Collagen and Elastin, allows much better product penetration and increases their effectiveness.
98% Oxygen infusion and LED/Infrared Light finishes this treatment. Skin is left clean, smooth and plump.
Next signature step for 120min or more:
MicroCurrent: MicroCurrent treatments are the future of younger looking skin. If completed as recommended, you can forever say goodbye to harmful injections/going under the knife. MicroCurrent is the new innovative technology that prevents and reforms skin to look and feel younger.

*Once a week for 4 weeks for Maximum results
*Once a week for 4 weeks for congested or acne skin
*Once every 4 weeks to maintain healthy skin.

LED Face Therapy + Oxygen plasma


We combined our unique products with a high-end aesthetics machine to deliver the best results. Professional combo LED Light (Blue, Red, Amber) and Infrared Light unit is used to help our Specialty Blend Oil infused with Oxygen Plasma, Hyaluronic Acid Serum, Peptide Serum, Apple Stem Cell Serum and Vitamin C Serum with anti-inflammatory Turmeric, penetrate the skin. Each Oxygen Plasma molecule surrounds itself with large amount of oxygen molecules, bonds with other serums and penetrates into the skin.

Suitable for all skin types and conditions. Highly recommended before important events. As there is no down time to heal, treatment can be done even a night before or the same day.

LED Light is used with serums (Oxygen Plasma, Hyaluronic Acid, Peptides, Stem Cells and Vitamin C with Turmeric). It tremendously helps product penetration.

Lymphatic Drainage Facial


Lymphatic Drainage Maintenance


Maintenance Microcurrent


Natural, non-invasive way to dramatically firm and lift the skin. Too good to be true? This treatment is a complete game-changer in the anti-aging skin care industry, and will change how we view natural treatments.

Highest quality, purest, organic and effective skin care products and high-end equipment are used in this treatment.

Microcurrent benefits include, firming, lifting, pore tightening and promotes natural skin cell rejuvenation and healing. It is done with using simple conductivity gel. Conductivity gel has no benefits for the skin, it is just used to deliver current.

Microcurrent: “The Exercise – Total Workout You Need to Look Good for Eternity”

What is Micro current: A bio-stimulation using small amounts of electricity. Micro current gives various intensities for muscle and or myo-filaments responses. These responses are important to increase ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) response. This process increases the blood flow for cellular regeneration which increases growth. It is the muscle cell we are focusing our efforts with; if you improve the blood capillary response then you are improving the cell’s metabolic rate which may relate to wound healing and growth of a stronger collagen response. Think about daily exercise how we increase the blood capillary which increases the amount of oxygen, nutrients, and water to our cell’s health. Micro current gives you the same advantage as well. “It is the total workout for the prevention of aging.” Micro current started in the 1930’s and studied more intensely in the 1960’s this technology has grown in the past 5-7 years with having an impact with anti-aging benefits to the esthetic industry and other medical practices. How does this relate to turning back the hands of time? In a big way; this technology is a bio stimulator so therefore you are creating an enhanced environment for blood stimulation, lymphatic stimulation, and cellular stimulation through increasing cellular metabolism. “It is the total workout for the prevention of aging.” In a nutshell you are creating muscle to fixate better to bone and skin to fixate better to muscle. Results: More of a youthful appearance with a lifted – toned look to your skin. This progressive not aggressive treatment is the only non-invasive treatment that will give you a “lift” without surgery. Micro current efficiently delivers low frequency electrical currents that work in harmony with the body to gently and effectively “re-educate” the muscles. It helps to strengthen, firm and tone slack, sagging muscles. Increases the supply of vital nutrients to the muscle tissue and individual muscle fibers improving the tone and quality of the skin.

As long as Diana offered Micro current treatments to her clients, she was wishing that there would be a skin care product, that would be beneficial for the skin, but nothing worked. The products either dried too fast or did not deliver current. Finally Diana came up with the perfect solution! She created product herself. With help of the chemists and scientists, now she has a firming, calming mask that she uses in Micro current treatments! Mask is excellent by itself and Micro current helps to penetrate these wonderful ingredients even deeper into the skin. Every client who was receiving Micro current fora long time noticed a difference once the treatment was done with the new product. As everything else product is all natural.

Microcurrent +LED Oxygen+Serums


Microcurrent-non surgical skin tightening and lifting treatment followed by LED Light Therapy with our Specialty Blend Oil infused with Oxygen Plasma, Hyaluronic Acid Serum, Peptide Serum, Apple Stem Cell Serum and Vitamin C Serum with anti-inflammatory Turmeric, penetrate the skin. Each Oxygen Plasma molecule surrounds itself with large amount of oxygen molecules, bonds with other serums and penetrates into the skin.

Organic Deep Cleansing/Acne Facial


Every product, signature facial massage and high-end beauty equipment in this facial treatment were selected to deeply clean the pores, exfoliate aged skin cells and calm the inflammation. Regardless what is the cause for acne breakouts, the skin is suffering from inflammation. Very often skin care products for acne treatments are very drying and eventually leave skin dry, flaky, tight and cause more problems, congestion and more breakouts. Since we use only “Diana Ralys Skin Health” products that are made with organic, natural and wild-crafted ingredients, none of that would happen.

Our Organic acne Facial starts with skin evaluation. It follows by double cleanse with Blemish Cleanser. Blemish Cleanser is full of skin vitamins, antibacterial essential oils and activated charcoal for gentle skin detox. First cleanse is to wash off pollution, dust or make-up. Second cleanse is to cleanse the skin. Many people associate facials with steam. For some it may feel relaxing, it is actually not beneficial for the skin in the facial. It causes “hot shower effect”. Warms up the skin for a short time and when the steamer is off, skin get even dryer and tighter. That’s when extractions become so painful and facial masks work less effectively. To soften skin and open pores we use warm compresses with essential oil blend. Essential oils are non oily extracts from herbs and flowers. They provide antibacterial benefits and keep skin soft.

Exfoliation. Now that we have skin soft and aged skin cells lifted, is time to polish it off. Exfoliation is extremely important for oily skin/ acne prone skin, which is why we created a exfoliant just for skin who needs extra help, exfoliation will be done with Blemish Microfoliant.

Next step-extractions. This may not be your favorite part of the facial, but extractions are a crucial step in this facial. It’s best to leave extractions done to the professionals. If not done correctly, you can easily scar your face by doing extractions at home. Skin pores need to be clean to be able to absorb the beneficial ingredients of the products (masks, serums, toners). Of course it depends on the sensitivity of the person, but with our extractions are known to be quite painless.

Even if extractions were not your favorite step of the facial, now you will be pleased, because you will receive the most relaxing facial massage. This facial massage was created specifically for this Organic Deep Cleansing/Acne Facial. It is a combination of Acupressure, to stimulate the circulation, and Manual Lymphatic Drainage, to flush toxins and decrease the inflammation. Signature Specialty Blend Oil or Blemish Treatment Oil is used in the massage. Without taking off the oil we will apply a mask, either Multitask or Blue Green Algae.

Mask time. There is no question we will use Multitask Mask! This mask gained the most “wow”s, comments and compliments. Main ingredients, like Volcanic lava Clay and Wild Rose Powder, are shipped from Morocco. Other powerful ingredients: Calendula, Aloe Vera, Dandelion and Neem. Benefits range from balancing to antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and it smells just like wild rose.

The last step of Organic Acne Facial is LED Light Therapy. We use Blue LED for antibacterial benefit, Red LED for circulation and Infrared for ant-inflammatory benefit. Because Light therapy promotes the product penetration and circulation, we apply Oxygen Plasma and Vitamin C Serum with Turmeric onto the skin under the light.

Organic Signature


In this essential age-defying facial we are using only best combination of high performance products, including Diana's Specialty customized face oil based on Argan oil, unique cleanse technique to gently lift skin impurities, volcanic clay, extraordinarily rich in minerals, clay originating from ancient deposits unearthed from the fertile Atlas mountains of Morocco. This is the most effective treatment against prematurely aged skin. Cold pressed organic Argan oil Diana ships directly from Morocco. Argan oil is called "liquid gold" it contains high levels of essential fatty acids which repair and protect the skin at a cellular level. It's exceptionally rich in Vitamin E and is a powerful anti-oxidant and has natural anti-bacterial properties. Its abundance of molecular proteins creates a tightening effect on the skin, and research has shown that the frequent application of Argan oil restores the skin's water-lipid layer, helping to neutralize free radicals, increasing the nutrient and oxygen levels in skin cells. Argan Oils™ is food for your skin. Similar to your body’s inherent need for nourishment, your skin must be replenished and fed in order to remain healthy. Due to environmental stress, your skin is constantly being deprived of the nutrients needed to maintain its necessary levels of hydration and collagen. Argan Oils™ is a natural solution to defend the skin against premature aging and UV exposure. As if that's not impressive enough, Diana adds customized therapeutic-grade essential oil blend for the maximum result. Results are seen instantly! Your skin will feel firmer, younger, radiant, like you just received a face lift! This is Diana's signature treatment recommended every 4 weeks for continuing results

Oxygenated Organic Microdermabrasion


Studies done by the University of Washington using Microdermabrasion resulted in a 14% increase in production of natural collagen, 48% increase in natural elastin and a 38% increase in blood circulation. Organic grains are much gentler than crystals. This simple non-invasive technique improves the overall texture, clarity of the skin also allow for better product penetration. Dead flaky skin cells are gently exfoliated by dispersing organic grains evenly and comfortably, to reveal a healthier glow to renewed skin. Everybody can benefit from Oxygen facial! Voted the best facial in the world by The Times. This is a deep detoxifying extraction facial that spring cleans the skin. Oxygen facials and products calm inflammation, treat acne, kill bacteria, drive antioxidants and vitamins into the skin, and make your skin younger looking by providing oxygen to the skin cells. This facial gets you started on the way towards clearer skin that is balanced and clear of major congestion. Using the patented oxygen formulas it ensures sterile conditions and helps solve the problems of congestion, leaving the skin feeling refreshed and clean. If skin is tired, dehydrated, sensitized-it needs oxygen. After this facial your skin will be able to breathe freely. Products for the facial are selected for rejuvenating, healing and oxygenating the skin, which improves the look of fine lines and wrinkles, acne, sun damage, and hyper-pigmentation. Your skin will be left brighter, more alive and younger looking.

Pure Oxygen Infusion


This advanced technology Micro oxygen infusion system provides optimal results combined with oxygen concentrate + LSS skin for life active ingredients. It uses nano technology that allows ingredients to penetrate deep into the skin. LSS stands for Life Sustaining System. It works on the cellular lever. Boosts and maintains skin’s immunity. Four different treatments: Anti- Aging: rejuvenates the skin for ultimate renewal by increasing circulation and aid in softening fine lines.

Brightening: instantly brightens the skin.

Acne: kills bacteria and aids in reducing inflammation found with acneic skin. Helps to control acne and hormonal breakouts. Designed to jump start a home care regime for maximum results.

Rosacea: aids in reducing redness and irritation during a treatment. Designed to jump start a home care regimen for maximum results.

This treatment also include cleansing, hydrating compresses, exfoliation, extractions, mask, massage of: face, neck, décolleté, hand, and arm.

Radiant Skin (Brightening)


Radiant glowing healthy skin can be yours! Whether you have been dealing with hyper-pigmentation for a while or just recently had some spots pop up from too much fun in the sun. This is your answer to radiant skin. Though this facial utilizes natural ingredients it does kick a punch. We first use Microdermabrasion to physically exfoliate the skin and prep it for product penetration. Even after this step your skin will feel like new. Taking off dead skin and exfoliating the surface layer opens up fresh layers of your skin. We then go into super enzyme mode with the following products.
Glowing Skin Treatment, Multi-fruit Enzyme Treatment, Bright Lite Serum and Radiant Skin Oil. All finished off with LED therapy.

Signature Facial with Crystal Reiki


Maintain healthy skin and boost cell regeneration. Includes cleanse, extractions, facial massage, 2 masks/arm massage, and LED/Infrared Light Therapy. Products are custom to benefit any skin type or age.

During LED Therapy, there will be a 30min Reiki session with Aromatherapy+ Crystals.

Signature Organic Rejuvenation +LED


In this essential age-defying facial we are using only best combination of high performance products, including Diana's Specialty customized face oil based on Argan oil,unique cleanse technique to gently lift skin impurities, volcanic clay, extraordinarily rich in minerals, clay originating from ancient deposits unearthed from the fertile Atlas mountains of Morocco.This is the most effective treatment against prematurely aged skin. Cold pressed organic Argan oil Diana ships directly from Morocco. Argan oil is is called "liquid gold" it contains high levels of essential fatty acids which repair and protect the skin at a cellular level. It's exceptionally rich in Vitamin E and is a powerful anti-oxidant and has natural anti-bacterial properties. Its abundance of molecular proteins creates a tightening effect on the skin, and research has shown that the frequent application of Argan oil restores the skin's water-lipid layer, helping to neutralize free radicals, increasing the nutrient and oxygen levels in skin cells. Argan Oils™ is food for your skin. Similar to your body's inherent need for nourishment, your skin must be replenished and fed in order to remain healthy. Due to environmental stress, your skin is constantly being deprived of the nutrients needed to maintain its necessary levels of hydration and collagen. Argan Oils™ is a natural solution to defend the skin against premature aging and UV exposure.As if that's not impressive enough, Diana adds customized therapeutic-grade essential oil blend for the maximum result. Results are seen instantly! Your skin will feel firmer, younger, radiant, like you just received a face lift! This is Diana's signature treatment recommended every 4 weeks for continuing results.

Skin Consultation w/Diana


Get an in-depth skin analysis, product and treatment protocol, and advice. This can include nutrition guidance, stress management, and lifestyle changes.

Skin Firming

Diana Ralys, a practicing holistic skin therapist will be speaking about the most common wanted treatment at Radiance Wellness Spa.

"To firm skin and lift facial muscles" is the most common wish I see on client intake form at my spa. There are plenty of options for all of us to inject, slice and dice, and so much more to get the youthful look back. Have you ever wondered at what cost though (financially and emotionally)?

Is it possible to do it in a healthy, noninvasive way? Can we avoid fillers and surgery? The answer is yes, we can. There are professional facial treatments, skincare products and at home use beauty tools that, when combined, can deliver results you are looking for.

Microcurrent, LED/Infrared Light, Bio-Stimulation Crystal Massager, Peptides, DPHP, DMAE, and Dermaroller will be the focus of this class.

Diana will be introducing the NEW tool Bio-Stimulation Rose Quartz Massager for use at home! She will demonstrate the massage technique and reflex points for you.

Sunkissed Recovery


Sun is associated with vacation, relaxation, and fun. Everybody knows nowadays that sun protection is necessary to protect skin from overexposure and burning. However, it happens almost to everyone, that we either stay too long at the beach, forget to reapply the SPF or rub our skin with a towel, which removes the sunscreen.
Radiance Wellness Spa being on the 4th block from Santa Monica beach, we are true professionals when it comes to Sun Recovery Facial treatments. Our skin care products used in this Facial besides being holistic and safe for everyone, are also deeply rejuvenating.

This Facial starts with gentle cleansing followed by our proprietary compresses done with lush soft microfiber towels. The last thing you would want would be scratchy materials rubbing your skin. Step after step your skin gets soothed and nourished. Our famous Specialty Blend Oil is massaged into the skin and left under the mask to deeply penetrate into the skin. The facial mask is no ordinary mask, it is Oxygenating Adaptogen Mask with superfoods. Once again, for maximum benefits LED Light is applied over the mask, to activate, circulate and help set the mask.
Next, the superior rejuvenating skin care products are applied:

  1. Cell Regenerating Gel or Hydra Nourishing Gel. The base of these products is the highest quality Aloe Vera Gel, which help to hydrate skin at the deepest layer the skin care products can penetrate;
  2. Oxygen Plasma is sprayed onto the skin to bring life back into the tissue;
  3. Ultimate Regenerating Serum, which contains: Hyaluronic hydration, Stem Cells, Peptides, Vitamin C serum, Oxygen Plasma, Argan Oil, Prickly Pear Oil, Neroli Essential Oil, DPHP (amino acids for moisture);
  4. Pure Oxygen Infusion over the serum;

Your skin will be relieved, soothed, hydrated, moisturized and oxygenated. proper skin care routine to continue the healing process will be recommended.

Ultimate Glow Facial HydroRenewal Experience


HydraFacial Treatment with Diana Ralys Skin Health Serums

One of the quickest ways to gain a brighter complexion is to come in for a Hydra Facial Treatment! All products in this treatment are natural, non-drying, and do not contain harsh chemicals. Multi-Fruit serum is infused into the skin, circulated and pulled out using vortex suction. This is the safest and most effective way to achieve maximum results!

Multi-fruit serum is a mix of five plant extracts: Bilberry, Sugar Cane, Orange, Lemon, and Sugar Maple. When combined, these botanical extracts deliver five natural AHAs to the skin: Lac¬tic Acid (from Bilberry), Glycolic Acid (from Sugar Cane), Citric Acid (from Orange and Lemon), and Malic and Tartaric Acids (from Sugar Maple).

Next signature step for 60min or more treatments:

Proprietary Serum Blend infused into the skin using Oxygenating pressure jet, Strengthens the cell membrane and helps in repairing cells and tissues damage. Is rich in antioxidants that help in fighting the effects of free radicals. Hyaluronic Acid, Apple Stem cell, Argireline Peptide, Matrixyl 3000 Peptide and Snap-8 Peptide this serum is extremely moisturizing, firming, allows you to retain skin’s elasticity, and rebuilding skin cells as needed.

Next step: Vitamin C serum. Organic Algae extract: anti-oxidant, moisturizes, supplies skin with natural minerals and vitamins. In addition to Vitamin C, like Magnesium ascorbyl phosphate and Vitamin C -L-ascorbic acid this serum is packed with powerful herbal extracts that have strong Antioxidant properties and are not irritating to the skin. Because of the Peptides from Sea Fennel this serum has anti-redness and anti-blemish properties. Goldenseal (Turmeric) extract contains berberine that has been found to have the best antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Next step: Oxygen Plasma is essential for all skin types and conditions. It kills bacteria causing Acne and Acne Rosacea, triggers formation of Collagen and Elastin, allows much better product penetration and increases their effectiveness.
98% Oxygen infusion and LED/Infrared Light finishes this treatment. Skin is left clean, smooth and plump.
Next signature step for 120min or more:
MicroCurrent: MicroCurrent treatments are the future of younger looking skin. If completed as recommended, you can forever say goodbye to harmful injections/going under the knife. MicroCurrent is the new innovative technology that prevents and reforms skin to look and feel younger.
Next signature step for 2.5 hr treatment:
Microdermabrasion: Studies done by the University of Washington using Microdermabrasion resulted in a 14% increase in production of natural collagen, 48% increase in natural elastin and a 38% increase in blood circulation. Organic grains are much gentler than crystals. This simple non-invasive technique improves the overall texture, clarity of the skin also allow for better product penetration. Dead flaky skin cells are gently exfoliated by dispersing organic grains evenly and comfortably, to reveal a healthier glow to renewed skin.
Benefits: Deep Skin cleaning and Firming, Smooths Wrinkles, Tightens skin around the eyes, Brightens, Protects from environmental damage, Fights free radicals, Promotes cell regeneration, Oxygenates skin, Provides deep skin hydration, Helps to eliminate acne. Excellent for delicate skin that is too sensitive for Microdermabrasion.

*Once a week for 4 weeks for Maximum results
*Once a week for 4 weeks for congested or acne skin
*Once every 4 weeks to maintain healthy skin.

Ultimate Rejuvenate Facial Package


Instant glowing skin, feel like you just had a facelift! To prevent/ delay skin aging and sagging skin. Helps to smooth and lift skin. Perfect treatment before special events like birthdays/weddings/dates/performances. Maintain healthy youthful looking and feeling skin.

Comprehensive systematic treatment was created as a result of an intensive research. Diana was motivated to find the most effective preventative and restorative treatment to address skin concerns like aging, sun damage, acne scars. Finally, dramatic results can be achieved without toxic chemical peels or surgery.

Wellness or Integrative
2 Services

Holistic Approach to Autoimmunity


Whole Body Wellness

Free event to come together and learn/chat about whole body wellness. What does it take to be well?

Self Care
Mind over matter

Are just some of the topics we will cover.


Radiance Wellness Spa | Diana Ralys Skin Health

Wellness Center

1207 4th st
Santa Monica, CA 90401
United States

Mon - Sat: 9:00am - 6:00pm

+1 (310) 264-2228

Visit Our Website




357 Reviews

  • Such a relaxing and peaceful experience to heal when the stresses of the world 🌍 is just awful.
  • Always a great experience!