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Skin Care
12 Services

1. Thera-Lift Cu (Copper) Facial Experience


The ultimate bio-tecnology facial experience - utilizing ultrasonic exfoliation and deep pore cleansing, bio-identical copper micro-currents and ultrasound combined with 100% organic, vegan skin care - this leaves your face tight, plump & lifted with a smooth, healthy glow. There is no down-time, you'll look fabulous and wonderfully relaxed instantly. Recommended in a series for permanent results.

2. Thera-Lift Express


Our no-frills scaled down version of the Thera-Lift treatment provides all the results without the expense and time needed for all the extra pampering. Ultrasonic deep cleansing & exfoliation, bio-identical micro current lift and ultrasonic collagen enhancement in a quick 30 minute session. Photon LED add-on may be recommended to treat specific skin conditions and fortify results.

3. Thera-Lift Ultimate Bio-Technology Facial Online Special


Special online deal for new clients only. The ultimate bio-tecnology facial experience - utilizing ultrasonic exfoliation and deep pore cleansing, bio-identical micro-currents and ultrasound combined with 100% organic, vegan skin care - this leaves your face tight, plump & lifted with a smooth, healthy glow. There is no down-time, you'll look fabulous and wonderfully relaxed instantly. Includes a skin consultation. Thera-Lift is recommended as a series for permanent results, with this special you will be able to sign up for a series at the same rate during your visit.

4. Organic Skin Resurfacing


Chemical free skin peel based on organic herbs and sea kelp. Incredible improvement for uneven skin tone and texture, brown spots, sun damage, wrinkles, sagging, large pores, impurities, acne, scarring. 10 times the results of microdermabrasion, without the side-effects and downtime of chemical peels or lasers. Recommended as a series for best results. Ask us for special series pricing and membership discounts.

5. Photon LED Therapy *


NASA technology full spectrum colored light with electroporation that increases collagen production, skin tightening, hydration, reduces capillaries or discoloration and heals irritated, impure areas. A relaxing, uplifting standalone treatment or an enhancement to any facial.

6. Pure Organic Facial *


Utilizing potent organic, vegan hand-blended active ingredients, this treatment is a customized naturally balancing experience, leaving any skin type smooth, supple, pampered with an healthy glow. Recommended monthly for best results. Ask us for special series pricing and membership discounts.

7. Express Facial*


A shorter version of our Pure Organic Facial but just as effective. Cleansing, exfoliation, custom blended mask and your choice of you of the following; deep pore cleansing, face massage, or neck and shoulder massage.

8. BioChemPeel


Reveal your most gorgeous skin with our biologically correct BioChemPeel. Loaded with antioxidants, this fabulous peel will reduce sun damage, large pores, acne, scarring, brown spots, sagging and wrinkles in an easy office visit. Prepping your skin for 2 weeks with our Bio-Active Skin Care Kit will increase results. Skin will peel for appx. 4-6 days starting 2-3 days post treatment.

PRP Facial with Microneedling


The Celebrity favorite "Vampire Facial" is an infusion of your body's own platelet rich plasma, stemcells and growth factor into the skin, where it stimulates a healing response that tightens, plumps, evens out skin irregularities like hyperpigmentation or scarring, clears acne & refines pores. Painless and downtime is minimal.

PRP Filler Injections


PRP inections use your own platelets, plasma and stemcells to fill lines and wrinkles, creating a non-surgical face lift without down-time. The advantage of using your own plasma over an artificial foreign substance is that your body will be prompted to grow an abundance of new collagen at the injection site, as well as a more natural appearance.

PRP Hair Restoration


Utilizing your own plasma, platelets, growth factors and stemcells to increase and revitalize hair follicles for beautiful, thick and healthy hair growth. Great for thinning hair and balding as well as increasing fullness.

Skin Consultation *


In-depth skin analysis and consultation regarding all types of therapy for every skin problem and age-related issue. Includes nutritional and at-home treatment recommendations or referral to specialists if deemed appropriate.


Pure Skin Science

Health & Beauty

Tue - Fri: 8:00am - 8:00pm
Sat: 8:00am - 5:00pm

+1 (949) 388-3575

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