Customer Reviews Back to Business Profile

  • Fierce Grace is AMAZING and the teachers are wonderful. The only feedback that I think would really help keep the zen is if the teachers could tell everyone to not talk and to leave as quietly as they can in the yoga room before/after a class. It's really disturbing hearing people's conversations and loud banging of the door and putting their mats down when you've just paid to to the class and finally relaxed, it brings back that horrible un relaxed fuzzy feeling as soon as the class is over which is the whole reason I come to yoga in the first place! It would also be great if the door handle could be fixed so it doesn't squeak and bang every time someone leaves or enters the room. Some teachers do mention it but people don't listen - maybe a few signs around the studio could help remind people!
  • Great teachers and convenient times
  • Nice new space. Great gong bath.
  • Great experience
  • Lovely yoga teacher - nice flow to class.