Customer Reviews Back to Business Profile

  • Natasha is a phenomenal instructor as was Tim!!
  • Love it has helped me when pregnant with my son
  • Love breathe! Always feel great after class!
  • The staff and instructor were very friendly, welcoming, approachable, and helpful. The atmosphere was very pleasant and relaxing , and the decor was really nice too. It was definitely the best exercise class experience i've had in Saskatoon
  • I am grateful for the option of an early class on Sunday morning; and Alexa's instruction is excellent and tough! She makes us work hard, and she provides constant feedback and tips during the class. Because if it's not hard, what's the point 😊
  • Great yoga class kind of tough.
  • This is my second home love the instructors and the Garden
  • The atmosphere was awesome, music was great, instructor encouraged you to push yourself, the fact that the bikes actually move side to side adds a wholenew challenge to the workout
  • The instructor, Shantelle


Breathe Cycle and Yoga Studio

Fitness Classes / Boot Camp

140-1804 McOrmond Dr.
Saskatoon, SK S7S 0A6

+1 (306) 974-2220

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